Welcome to Heavenly Dew and welcome to
the first steps of a new journey!
Nothing worthwhile in life happens without a journey.
On this page we want to invite you to journey alongside us as you embark on your very own journey. We walk every journey hand-in-hand with our heavenly Father and have come to experience and treasure Him as the most important aspect of our lives. To Him alone be the glory! All our stories would be mere words without Him using the testimonies to touch lives. We invite you to enjoy this journey of essential oils, healing, health, body, soul and spirit with us.
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A Guided Journal, “Healing the Broken Hearted”
One sudden evening my husband left this earth for an eternal heavenly dwelling after a spiritual and physical fight against cancer. I sat next to a hospital bed holding my beloved husband’s hand for one last time. In that instance a new journey started for me – a journey of healing and getting to know God again. I felt completely empty, desolate and most of all I felt abandoned by God. How could a loving God and one I had known to be a God of miracles let my husband die? Why did it happen to us? What about all the promises of life we had from God? Who is God and will I ever be able to heal from all this pain in my heart?
This book is my journey but it is also the journey of every other fellow believer. We all go through trials and suffering on this earth and at some point in life, we all stand with our broken hearts before our Heavenly Father. I can testify that He is the healer who can mend any broken heart and answer all questions. I asked God that my pain and healing would not be for my own but will be for the guidance of others as well. From this prayer God placed in my heart the dream to put my journey into words and thus this book was born. No matter your pain, He is waiting for you to come and journey with Him. Pick up this book and start the journey with Him…
Predan: The story behind the scenes
This is the real-life story of a man who willingly chose to follow God’s path and plan for His life. Predan’s story, though filled with testimonies of many battles and victories, is first and foremost about his trusting relationship with the living God. The summary of his life story comes from his testimony of reliance on God’s greatness and omnipotence. Just in illustration: one day, faced with yet another time of difficulty, and this time it was his son’s life on the line, Predan called out in faith-filled dependence and prayer: “My life, God. My son’s life, God.” Predan’s life testimony is about a man whose faith was strong. It grew through each trial and in every day. Predan was steadfast in the knowledge that God was with him.
For us, each of us facing various trials and tribulations, we have the opportunity to face them with a sense of victory. Not in our own strength and independence, but in dependence and relationship with the King of Kings. And therefore, may you be encouraged to endure through your time of greatest need, and to do so through: FAITH, HOPE and LOVE. Knowing then too, that the greatest of these is His Love for you!