His goodness runs through
For months I have been pondering goodness. We all know that God is good, yet so many times we are left wondering where His goodness can be found? Where is the proof of God’s goodness when we are suffering and strangled in in times of distress? In times where everything inside of us are “crushed and pressed” and we break open, falling apart into little pieces we simply never seem to fit together again. Yet His word stands true, meaning that even in those times God must still be good? So where is this goodness of His hiding?
There is a story many of you would have seen on social media, about a broken pot being mended with gold, as brokenness doesn’t always have to lead to destruction. The gold is seen surrounding every broken part of the container to help keep it together again. This is the picture I want you to keep in mind here, for brokenness “seeps through”. You can stand with your broken live in your hands, and as you look down, you will see His brokenness running through your brokenness, shining like the morning sun of gold! When you look closely at all the broken pieces of your live, you will be able to see His goodness seeping through it all. Think about that day when you were feeling all down in the dumps, and He sent another human being to simply lift you up with a laugh or a word of encouragement. Remember that day when all was going wrong, yet in it your heart was a feeling of peaceful resting in Him…. Remember the day when you thought sorrow was going to tear you apart and letting you drown in tears, yet somehow you got through it. All of this and so much more is His goodness running through our daily lives.
His golden goodness is hard to find when we are surrounded by brightly lit times, yet when the dark times come, we also seem to search around in the dark to find His goodness and end up accepting that it is not there. We can end up only believing that God is good but not feeling or seeing it. We can focus so much on the hardships that we miss to see the goodness. We miss to see His hand with us in hardship, and therefore we miss to put our full trust in Him. But as soon as we shift our only hope and full trust and focus onto Him, we find a journey paved with golden goodness, slowly running like a gentle and quiet stream through all of our brokenness. Our focus has to shift for us to be able to see!
When you are feeling pressed and torn apart, remember that for an olive to produce its golden oil, it needs to be parched. And remember that the One who walks by your side have already been through it before you. And “drip by drip” His oil of goodness will run over and through you as you connect yourself to fully focus on Him…
His goodness runs through…